program dates
The student fee for the 2013 Summer Engineering Program in London is $6,500*. This covers round-trip airfare from Chicago or New York, housing, tuition, and program costs.

Students are responsible for their own meal costs, transportation within London, entertainment, and private travel in England and Europe. Typically, this runs around $1,250 - $1,750.

Please be sure to check the exchange rate before leaving the United States. In past years the bank-to-bank exchange rate has varied from $1.50 to $2.00/£ during the six-weeks of the program.

*Financial aid packages and scholarship programs are available. For more information, contact Michael Kitz, the program's director, via e-mail (mkitz@nd.edu) or by visiting http://www.nd.edu/~finaid/undergraduate. All applications are sent to financial aid for review.
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