Renmin University 2015 Summer Course Password Recovery


Your course account (ascii only! no binary [e.g., Chinese characters] in email address or password)

Email address will be used to send course information, and is also the user name for the restricted course website. Password should consist of at least 6 letters/numbers, with at least one upper case, one lower case, one number.

Email Address:
Password: Retype Password: (密码不公开)

An acknowledgement will be sent to the email address you entered above in a few second. If this is not the case, make sure your email address is entered correctly. Please click the link sent to your email address to complete your registration. The link expires in 60 minutes. 填此表后,需在60分钟内点击圣母大学服务器发该你的电子邮件,成功登陆并完成重新注册密码。