About the Authors

John Moody received his doctorate in electrical engineering in 1998 from the University of Notre Dame, where he also earned the B.S. and M.S. degrees.

His research interests include discrete event and hybrid control systems, neural network construction and architecture, parallel computing, and autonomous, intelligent control systems. He has authored a number of publications on these subjects in journals and conference proceedings.

During his undergraduate education, he worked as an engineering intern for the Bendix Engine Controls Division of the Allied Signal Aerospace Company. He has been awarded an Arthur J. Schmitt fellowship and the Center for Applied Mathematics fellowship from the University of Notre Dame. He is a member of the Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi honor societies and the IEEE.

Panos J. Antsaklis is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. He received his undergraduate degree from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Brown University. He has taught and conducted research at Rice University, Imperial College of the University of London, MIT, NTUA and the Technical University of Crete, Greece.

His research interests are in the area of systems and control, with emphasis on hybrid and discrete event systems, on autonomous, intelligent and learning control systems, on methodologies for reconfigurable control and neural networks. He has authored a number of publications in journals, conference proceedings and books, and he has edited three books: An Intnvduction to Intelligent and Autonomous Control (Kluwer Academic 1993; with K. Passino), Hybrid Systems n and Hybrid Systems IV (Springer 1995 and 1997; with W. Kohn, A. Nerode and S. Sastry). He has also authored a graduate textbook Linear Systems (McGraw-Hill 1997; with A.N. Michel).

He serves in the editorial boards of several journals, he has been the guest editor of special issues on neural networks (IEEE Control Systems magazine; 1990 and 1992), on intelligence and learning (IEEE Control Systems magazine; 1995), on hybrid control systems (IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 1998) and on hybrid systems (Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 1998). He has served as program chair and general chair of major systems and control conferences and he was the 1997 President of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS). He is an IEEE Fellow.