Lecture Topics

Kristin Shrader-Frechette

Students in her courses and her colleagues should let Dr. Shrader-Frechette know if they would like her to lecture on any of the following topics on which she has done research and in which she has special interests. Topics are grouped in four categories: (1) Philosophy of Science, (2)Practical Philosophy of Science, (3) Ethical Theory, and (4) Practical Ethics.

(1) Philosophy of Science

Why There Is No Balance of Nature

Why There Are No General Laws in Community Ecology

Methods in Ecology

A Thought Experiment in Radiobiology

Type-I and Type-II Errors in Science

Methodological Value Judgments in Science

Methodological Assumptions in Benefit-Cost Analysis

Problems with Data Aggregation in the Compensating Wage Differential

Methodological Value Judgments in Quantitative Risk Assessment

The Logic of Case Studies

Rational Decisions Under Uncertainty

Four Classes of Scientific Uncertainty

(2) Practical Philosophy of Science

Flaws in Hydrogeological Models and Consequences for Waste Disposal

Risk Acceptance and Public Rationality

Low-Dose Radiation and Decisions Under Uncertainty

A Defense of Benefit-Cost Analysis

Problems with Chernobyl Risk Estimates: Cooking and Trimming

Conservation Biology and Uncertainty

Ecological Risk Assessment and Practical Ecology

(3) Ethical Theory

Why Virtue Theory Is Inadequate for Normative Ethical Decisions

On the Superiority of Maximin Decision Rules

Why Most Lockean Intepreters of Property Rights Are Wrong

Ethical Consent

Procedural Justice and Ethical Neglect

Duties to Future Generations

Why Most Ethical Biocentrists Are Wrong

(4) Practical Ethics

Ethics of Scientific Research

Doing the Best Science Money Can Buy: Reforming Research

Environmental Justice and Nuclear Waste Disposal

Environmental Justice: Native Americans and Latinos

Environmental Justice: Blacks and Appalachians

Environmental Justice and Duties to Developing Nations

Discount Rates and Duties to Future Generations

Expert Judgment and Ethics

Consent and Technological Risk

Biomedical Ethics and Public Health Risk

Public Citizenship and the Duties of Advocacy

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July, 1999