਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ Math 10120, Fall 2017 Homepage ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ
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Math 10120: Finite਍ഀ Mathematics
਍ഀ Spring 2019

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Section 01
਍ഀ Instructor: Juan Migliore
਍ഀ Office: Hayes-Healy, Room਍ഀ 236
਍ഀ Telephone: 574-631-7345
਍ഀ e-mail address: migliore.1@nd.edu
਍ഀ Office hours: Mon. 3:00-4:00਍ഀ p.m., Tues. 2:00-3:00 p.m. or by appointment

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Time and place of class:

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Section 1


12:50-1:40 p.m.




HAYE 127


Juan Migliore

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Ways to get help:

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Note਍ഀ that the fourth help session (Thursdays) is at a different time and in a਍ഀ different room from the other three!

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Textbook and online homework information:਍ഀ

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The textbook is "Finite਍ഀ Mathematics, 8th Edition," by Howard L. Rolf. Through the bookstore you਍ഀ can either buy the physical textbook (hybrid edition with access to online਍ഀ homework) or you can buy only the access code to the online homework system (and਍ഀ this option includes an electronic copy of the book). You also have other਍ഀ options. See this link਍ഀ for more information.

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Course overview:

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This਍ഀ course is about chance and strategy. We explore how the everyday concepts of਍ഀ relative frequency, expectation and strategy can be translated into a਍ഀ mathematical theory. By extracting the general principles behind our logical਍ഀ intuition and developing it with some simple tools of mathematics, we develop the਍ഀ theory of probability and game theory. The results can then be applied to solve਍ഀ problems or analyze situations where we encounter these concepts in many਍ഀ different contexts.

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Syllabus and Homework schedule

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The਍ഀ online homework system used in this class is WebAssign.  Here਍ഀ is a daily schedule of਍ഀ topics that we will cover.  The due਍ഀ dates for the corresponding homework assignments are also given here, as they਍ഀ are on WebAssign itself.

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You should refer to this after every਍ഀ class to see what online homework problems are assigned for the new material,਍ഀ as well as when the homework is due. If we are forced to make any changes to਍ഀ this schedule, we will let you know.

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Note that all homework is done online. No਍ഀ physical homework will be collected at any time. Notice that the listed due਍ഀ dates all give 2:00 a.m. as the time due. Effectively this means that really਍ഀ they are due the day before the listed day, unless you usually work਍ഀ after midnight. These deadlines are very firm, and very few exceptions will be਍ഀ granted. See below for more information.

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Examinations, quizzes, homework and਍ഀ grades - info

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There will be three midterm exams, six਍ഀ quizzes, daily homework and a final exam.

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How you will be਍ഀ evaluated: Your course grade਍ഀ will be based on your total score out of 600 points, with points allocated as਍ഀ follows:

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Exams and Quizzes

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Exam 1

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Here is the first practice exam਍ഀ for Exam 1. 

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Here are the solutions to਍ഀ the first Practice Exam 1. 

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Here is the second practice exam for਍ഀ Exam 1.

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Here are the solutions to the਍ഀ second practice Exam 1.

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Exam 2

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Here is the first practice exam for਍ഀ Exam 2.

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Here are the solutions਍ഀ to the second Practice Exam 2. 

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Here is the second practice exam for਍ഀ Exam 2.

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Here are the solutions to the਍ഀ second practice Exam 2.

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Exam 3

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Here is the first practice exam਍ഀ for Exam 3.

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Here are the solutions to਍ഀ the first Practice Exam 3.

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Here is the second practice exam਍ഀ for Exam 3.

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Here are the solutions to਍ഀ the second Practice Exam 3

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Final Exam

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Here is the first practice exam for਍ഀ the final.

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Here are the solutions to the਍ഀ first practice exam for the final.

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Here is the second practice exam਍ഀ for the final.

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Here are the solutions to the਍ഀ second practice exam for the final.

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The quizzes will be put here after they਍ഀ take place.

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Homework Policy

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You will find the link to a complete਍ഀ list of electronic homework due dates above. Note ALL DEADLINES ARE AT਍ഀ 2:00 A.M. ON THE DUE DATE. Effectively this means that the homework is due਍ഀ on the previous night with 2 hours grace. The first three electronic homework਍ഀ assignments are due on August 28 and August 29 at 2:00 a.m. You are expected to get started on this homework well before਍ഀ that date so that you can iron out any problems you might have with the system਍ഀ on time. If you need help getting started, please let us know as soon as਍ഀ possible.

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The availability and due dates of all਍ഀ homework allow ample time for completion. Submission of homework can be carried਍ഀ out with any internet connection at any time.਍ഀ Therefore late homework will not be accepted. It is expected that you਍ഀ will start your homework well before the time at which it is due and that if਍ഀ you have to be out of town, you will plan ahead appropriately. In the case of਍ഀ extenuating circumstances, you should get a note from the dean of First Year of਍ഀ Studies or your advisor in order to get credit. Poor time management, a lapse਍ഀ of memory about the 2:00 a.m. deadline for online homework, or a prearranged਍ഀ trip off campus, for any event, will not be considered as extenuating਍ഀ circumstances. If your computer is not working please use one of the many਍ഀ computers available on campus. The online system keeps a complete record of the਍ഀ time you spend online and automatically saves your work. If you are having any਍ഀ trouble with the system mysteriously not giving you credit for your work,਍ഀ please print out your completed work as you do your homework and bring it to਍ഀ class, show it to your instructor in person and they will give you credit.

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Make-up exams

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Please check the exam dates. Do not਍ഀ make travel plans conflicting with any exam date! In the event that you miss an਍ഀ exam, a note from your advisor or a dean from First Year of Studies will be਍ഀ required in order to gain credit for the make-up exam. Please send an e-mail to your instructor as soon as possible if you miss਍ഀ an exam.

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Exam Conflicts: Exam conflicts are governed by the undergraduate academic code.਍ഀ According to section, students with 3 or more finals in one day, or 4਍ഀ or more finals in a 24 hour period, may negotiate to਍ഀ change the time of one of these finals. If you intend to request to have the਍ഀ time of your Math 10120 final changed, you must talk to your dean (or the਍ഀ dean's designee) at least one week before the start of the final exam period਍ഀ (see section of the undergraduate਍ഀ academic code). You must also contact your dean to resolve exam conflicts਍ഀ during the semester.

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Honor Code

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Examinations, quizzes and homework are਍ഀ conducted under the Notre Dame honor code.਍ഀ While discussion in small groups in doing homework is permitted (and strongly਍ഀ encouraged) in this course, the work should be your own. Having someone do your਍ഀ online homework for you is a violation of the honor code. Exams are closed book਍ഀ and are to be done completely by yourself with no help਍ഀ from others.

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You will not be allowed to collaborate on਍ഀ exams or quizzes.

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Calculators will be allowed for exams.

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