Below are copies of IR Field Seminar Syllabi from Celeste Wallander at Harvard, and Helen Milner at Columbia, respectively.


Professors Celeste A. Wallander (Coolidge Hall 212; 5-4007; office hours Tuesday 10-12; and Lisa L. Martin (Coolidge Hall 416B; 5-1294; office hours

Wednesday 11-1;, Fall 1999.




*Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War (Modern Library College Edition), Book I 1-88; Book II 1-65;

Book III 36-50; Book V 85-116; Book VI, 6-32.

Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace.

*Arnold Wolfers, "Statesmanship and Moral Choice," chapter 4 of Wolfers, Discord and Collaboration


*Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars (Basic Books, 1977), chps. 4-6 (pp. 51-108).

Stanley Hoffmann, "Liberalism and International Affairs," in Hoffmann, Janus and Minerva

(Westview Press, 1986), pp. 394-417.

WEEK 2 (October 5). REALISM

*Kenneth N. Waltz, Man, the State and War (Columbia University Press, 1959), especially chs. 1, 6.

*Robert O. Keohane, ed., Neorealism and its Critics (Columbia University Press, 1986), chs. 1-8, 11,

pp. 1-255; 322-346.

Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Politics, chp. 8 (pp. 161-193).

Randall Schweller, "Neorealism's Status Quo Bias: What Security Dilemma?," Security Studies 5, no.

3 (Spring 1996), pp. 90-121.

Background readings: Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics among Nations, ch. 1.

E. H. Carr, The Twenty Years' Crisis, chs. 3-5, 8 (pp. 22-87, 102-145).

Waltz, Man, the State and War, chps. 2 and 4.

Helen V. Milner, "The Assumption of Anarchy in International Relations Theory: A Critique," Review

of International Studies 17, no. 1 (January 1991), pp. 67-86.


Michael Doyle, "Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs, Part I," Philosophy and Public Affairs,

vol. 12, no. 3 (Summer, 1983), pp. 205-235.

**John Gerard Ruggie, "International regimes, transactions, and change: embedded liberalism in the

postwar economic order," International Organization 36, no. 2 (Spring 1982), pp. 379-415.

Andrew Moravcsik, The Choice for Europe (Cornell University Press, 1998), chp. 2.

*Helen V. Milner, Interests, Institutions, and Information: Domestic Politics and Information

(Princeton University Press, 1997), chps. 3 and 4.

Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in

International Politics (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1998), chps. 1, 3.

J. Lawrence Broz, "The Domestic Politics of International Monetary Order: The Gold Standard," in

Contested Social Orders and International Politics, David Skidmore, ed. (Nashville: Vanderbilt

University Press, 1997).

Background readings: J. A. Hobson, "Imperialism: A Study," in Harrison M. Wright, The New

Imperialism (C. C. Heath, 1976), pp. 5-43.

Joseph Schumpeter, "The Problem," and "Imperialism and Capitalism," in Imperialism and Social

Classes (Meridian edition, pp. 3-7, 64-98).

V. I. Lenin, Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, chps. 7-10 (International Publishers

Edition, pp. 68-128).


**James Fearon, "Domestic Political Audiences and the Escalation of International Disputes,"

American Political Science Review 88, no. 3 (Sept. 1994), pp. 577-592.

Kenneth A. Schultz, "Domestic Opposition and Signaling in International Crises," American Political

Science Review 92, no. 4 (December 1998), pp. 829-44.

Kenneth A. Schultz, "Do Domestic Institutions Constrain or Inform? Contrasting Two Institutional

Perspectives on Democracy and War," International Organization 52, no. 2 (Spring 1999), pp. 233-66.

**David Lake, "Powerful Pacifists: Democratic States and War," American Political Science Review

86, no. 1 (March 1992), pp. 24-37.

William Bernhard and David Leblang, "Democratic Institutions and Exchange-Rate Commitments,"

International Organization 53, no. 1 (Winter 1999), pp. 71-97.

*Beth A. Simmons, Who Adjusts? Domestic Sources of Foreign Economic Policy during the Interwar

Years (Princeton, 1994), chps. 1-3.

Background readings: Jack Snyder, Myths of Empire (Cornell, 1991), chapters 1, 2, 3, 8.

Graham Allison, "Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis," American Political Science

Review 63 (September 1969), pp. 689-718.

George F. Kennan, "The Sources of Soviet Conduct," in Kennan, American Diplomacy, 1900-1950

(Mentor Books, 1951), pp. 89-105; reprinted in Foreign Affairs, Spring 1987, pp. 852-68.

Peter J. Katzenstein, ed., Between Power and Plenty (University of Wisconsin Press, 1978).


Stanley Hoffmann, "Domestic politics and interdependence," in Janus and Minerva, pp. 268-289.

**Peter Alexis Gourevitch, "The second image reversed," International Organization, vol. 32, no. 4,

(Autumn, 1978), pp. 881-912.

Peter J. Katzenstein, "The small European states in the international economy," in John G. Ruggie

(ed.), The Antinomies of Interdependence: National Welfare and the International Division of Labor

(Columbia U. Press, 1983), ch. 2, pp. 91-130.

**Ronald Rogowski, "Political Cleavages and Changing Exposure to Trade," American Political

Science Review 81, no. 4 (December 1987), pp. 1121-38.

*Robert O. Keohane and Helen V. Milner, eds., Internationalization and Domestic Politics (New

York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), chps. 1-3, 5, 7.

Lisa Martin, Democratic Commitments: Legislatures and International Cooperation (Princeton

University Press, 2000), chps. 2 and 7.

Background readings: Robert D. Putnam, "Diplomacy and Domestic Politics," International

Organization, vol. 42, no. 3 (Summer, 1988), pp. 427-461.

Jeffry A. Frieden, "Invested Interests: The Politics of National Economic Policies in a World of Global

Finance," International Organization vol. 45, no. 4 (Autumn 1991), pp. 425-51.

Peter A. Gourevitch, Politics in Hard Times (Cornell University Press, 1986).

Peter J. Katzenstein, Small States in Global Market (Cornell University Press, 1985).

WEEK 6 (November 2). METHODS

*Gary King, Robert O. Keohane, and Sidney Verba, Designing Social Inquiry (Princeton University

Press, 1994).

*James D. Morrow, Game Theory for Political Scientists (Princeton University Press, 1994), chps.

3-6, chp. 8 pp. 219-27, chp. 9 pp. 260-79.


Jeffry Frieden, "Actors and Preferences in International Relations," in Strategic Choice and

International Relations, David A. Lake and Robert Powell, eds. (Princeton 1999), pp. 39-76.

**Robert Jervis, "Cooperation under the security dilemma," World Politics, vol. 30, no. 2 (January,

1978), pp. 167-214.

**Lisa L. Martin, "Interests, Power, and Multilateralism," International Organization 46, no. 4

(Autumn 1992), pp. 765-92.

James Morrow, "Modeling the Forms of International Cooperation," International Organization 48, no.

3 (Summer 1994), pp. 387-423.

**Christopher H. Achen and Duncan Snidal, "Rational Deterrence Theory and Comparative Case

Studies," World Politics, January 1989, pp. 143-169.

James D. Fearon, "Bargaining, Enforcement, and International Cooperation," International

Organization 52, no. 2 (Spring 1998), pp. 269-306.

Robert Powell, "Uncertainty, Shifting Power, and Appeasement," American Political Science Review

90, no. 4 (December 1996), pp. 749-64.

Background readings: Thomas C. Schelling, The Strategy of Conflict (Oxford 1960), chs. 2-5, pp.


Robert Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation (Basic Books, 1984), chs. 1-4.

Kenneth A. Oye, ed., Cooperation Under Anarchy (Princeton University Press, 1986).

Robert O. Keohane, "Reciprocity in International Relations," International Organization 40, no. 1

(Winter 1986).



*Robert Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics (Cambridge, 1981), pp. 1-49; 156-244.

James D. Fearon, "Rationalist Explanations for War," International Organization 49, no. 3 (Summer

1995), pp. 379-414.

**Paul K. Huth, "Extended Deterrence and the Outbreak of War," American Political Science

Review, vol. 82, no. 2 (June, 1988), pp. 423-444.

*Jonathan Mercer, Reputation and International Politics (Cornell, 1996), chps. 1, 2, 4 (pp. 14-73,


**Robert Powell, "Guns, Butter, and Anarchy," American Political Science Review 87, no. 1 (March

1993), pp. 115-32.

Paul K. Huth, Standing Your Ground: Territorial Disputes and International Conflict (Ann Arbor:

University of Michigan Press, 1996), chps. 3 and 6.

Christopher Gelpi, "Crime and Punishment: The Role of Norms in Crisis Bargaining," American

Political Science Review 91, no. 2 (June 1997), pp. 339-60.

Stephen Van Evera, Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict (Cornell, 1999), chp. 6.

Background readings: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, The War Trap (Yale University Press, 1981),

chps. 1-5.

Stephen Van Evera, "The Cult of the Offensive and the Origins of the First World War," in Steven E.

Miller, ed., Military Strategy and the Origins of the First World War, Princeton University Press, 1984,

pp. 58-107.

Marc Trachtenberg, "The Coming of the First World War: A Reassessment," International Security

15, no. 3 (Winter 1990-91).


*Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Power and Interdependence: World Politics in Transition

(Second Edition, Little-Brown, 1989), chs. 1-3, 6 (pp. 3-60, 129-162).

*Robert O. Keohane, After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy

(Princeton University Press, 1984), chs. 1, 4-7, pp. 1-17, 49-132.

Robert O. Keohane, "International Institutions: Two Approaches," International Studies Quarterly, vol.

32, no. 4 (December, 1988), 379-396.

*Andreas Hasenclever, Peter Mayer, and Volker Rittberger, Theories of International Regimes

(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997), chps. 1, 2, 4, 5.

*Celeste A. Wallander, Mortal Friends, Best Enemies (Cornell University Press, 1999), chps. 1, 2,

and 5.

Background readings: Stephen D. Krasner, ed., International Regimes (Cornell University Press,


Stephen D. Krasner, "Global Communications and National Power: Life on the Pareto Frontier,"

World Politics.

Hedley Bull, The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics (Columbia University Press,

1977) , chs. 1-3, pp. 3-76.


* First paper due *

*Peter Katzenstein, ed., The Culture of National Security: Norms and Identity in World Politics (New

York: Columbia University Press, 1996); chapters 1 (Katzenstein), 2 (Jepperson, Wendt, and

Katzenstein), 7 (Johnston), and 10 (Risse-Kappen).

Judith Goldstein and Robert Keohane, "Ideas and Foreign Policy: An Analytical Framework," in

Goldstein and Keohane, eds., Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions, and Political Change

(Cornell University Press, 1993), pp. 3-30.

Matthew Evangelista, "The Paradox of State Strength: Transnational Relations, Domestic Structures,

and Security Policy in Russia and the Soviet Union," International Organization 49, no. 1 (Winter

1995), pp. 1-38.

**Alex Wendt, "Anarchy is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of State Politics,"

International Organization 46, no. 2 (Spring 1992), pp. 391-425.

Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink, "International Norm Dynamics and Political Change,"

International Organization 52, no. 4 (Autumn 1998), pp. 887-917.

Alastair Iain Johnston, Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History

(Princeton 1995), chp. 2 (pp. 32-60).

Background readings: Peter M. Haas, "Introduction: Epistemic Communities and International

Policy Coordination," International Organization 46, no. 1 (Winter 1992), pp. 1-36.

Robert Jervis, Perception and Misperception in International Relations, Part I, pp. 3-113.


**Helen V. Milner, "Trading Places: Industries for Free Trade," World Politics, vol. 40, no. 3 (April,

1988), pp. 350-376.

**Stephen D. Krasner, "State Power and the Structure of International Trade," World Politics vol. 28,

no. 3 (April 1976), pp. 317-347.

Susanne Lohmann and Sharyn O'Halloran, "Divided Government and U.S. Trade Policy: Theory and

Evidence," International Organization 48, no. 4 (Autumn 1994), pp. 595-632.

Michael Bailey, Judith Goldstein, and Barry Weingast, "The Institutional Roots of American Trade

Policy," World Politics (1997), pp. 309-38.

**Joanne Gowa, "Bipolarity, Multipolarity, and Free Trade," American Political Science Review vol.

83, no. 4 (December 1989). pp. 1245-1256.

James Alt and Michael Gilligan, "The Political Economy of Trading States: Factor Specificity,

Collective Action Problems and Domestic Political Institutions," Journal of Political Philosophy 2, no. 2


Background reading: Judith Goldstein, "Ideas, Institutions, and American Trade Policy,"

International Organization vol. 42, no. 1 (Winter 1988), pp. 179-217.

Stephan Haggard, "The Institutional Foundations of Hegemony: Explaining the Reciprocal Trade

Agreements Act of 1934," International Organization vol. 42, no. 1 (Winter 1988), pp. 121-150.


Hans J. Morgenthau, "Alliances in Theory and Practice," in Arnold Wolfers, ed., Alliance Policy in the

Cold War (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1959), pp. 184-212.

Arnold Wolfers, "Collective Defense versus Collective Security," and "Stresses and Strains in Going it

with Others," in Wolfers, *Discord and Collaboration: Essays on International Politics (Johns Hopkins,

1962), pp. 181-216.

**Glenn Snyder, "The Security Dilemma in Alliance Politics," World Politics 36, no. 4 (July 1984), pp.


*Stephen Walt, The Origins of Alliances (Cornell University Press, 1987), chs. 1-2, 8 (pp. 1-49,


**Dani Reiter, "Learning, Realism, and Alliances: The Weight of the Shadow of the Past," World

Politics 46, no. 4 (1994), pp. 490-526.

Helga Haftendorn, Robert O. Keohane, and Celeste A. Wallander, eds., Imperfect Unions: Security

Institutions over Time and Space (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), chapter by Gelpi.

Emanuel Adler and Michael Barnett, eds., Security Communities (Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press, 1998), chps. 2 and 4.

WEEK 13 ( December 21). Optional review meeting, discussion of final papers.



Fall 1995

Helen Milner

Theories of International Politics

PoliSci Homepage

PoliSci Courses

Undergrad info

Grad info

Week 1: Levels of Analysis (Sept. 5)

Wolfers, Arnold, Discord and Collaboration, ch. 1, pp. 3-24.

Singer, J. David, "The Level of Analysis Problem", in Knorr and Verba, eds., The

International System, pp. 77-92.

Waltz, Kenneth N., Man, the State and War, all.

Keohane, Robert O., "Theory of World Politics", in Keohane, International

Institutions and State Power, pp. 35-73.

Wendt, Alexander, "The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory",

International Organization, 41, Summer 1987, pp. 335-70.

Jervis, Robert, "Perception and the Level-of-Analysis Problem," ch. 1, in Perception

and Misperception in International Politics.


Dessler, David. "What's at Stake in the Agent-Structure Debate?"International

Organization. 43, 1989, 441-73.

Carlnaes, Walter. "The Agency-Structure Problem in Foreign Policy Analysis."

International Studies Quarterly. 36, Sept 1992, 245-70.

Hollis, Martin and Smith, Steve. "Two Stories about Structure and Agency." Review

of International Studies. 20, July 1994, 241-51.

Week 2: Power (Sept. 12)

Dahl, Robert, "The Concept of Power", Behavioral Science, vol. 2, June 1957, pp.


Bachrach, and Baratz, "The Two Faces of Power", APSR, vol. 56, 1962, pp. 947-52.

Lukes, Steven, Power: A Radical View, all.

Baldwin, David A., Paradoxes of Power, chs. 1-5, 7-8.

Hirschman, Albert O., National Power and the Structure of Foreign Trade, pp.


Art, Robert, "To What Ends Military Power," International Security, Spring 1980,

vol. 4, Spring 1980, pp. 14-35.

Nye, Joseph, Bound to Lead, chs. 1-3, 6.

Guzzini, Stefano, "Structural Power," International Organization, Summer 1993, v.

47, 443-78.


March, "The Power of Power", in Easton, Varieties of Political Theory.

Barry, Power and Political Analysis.

Wrong, Power, chs.1-5, 9.

Kroll, John, "The Complexity of Interdependence," International Studies Quarterly,

vol. 37, September 1993, pp. 321-48.

Isaacs, Power and Marxist Theory.

Weeks 3 and 4: The Logic of Scientific Inquiry and Its Critics (Sept.

19, 26)

King, Gary , Keohane and Verba, Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference

in Qualitative Research, all.

Knorr, Klaus, and Rosenau, eds., Contending Approaches to International

Politics, essays by Knorr and Rosenau, Bull, Singer, Levy, and Kaplan.

Friedman, Milton, "The Methodology of Positive Economics", in Hahn and Hollis,

Philosophy and Economic Theory, pp. 18-35

Lakatos, Imre. "Falsification and The Methodology of Scientific Research

Programs." In Lakatos and Musgrave, eds., Criticism and the Growth of

Knowledge, 91-198.

Ball, Terence, "From Paradigms to Research Programs: Toward a Post-Kuhnian

Political Science", American Journal of Political Science, February 1976, pp.


"Theory and Method in IR", special issue of International Studies Quarterly, vol.

29, June 1985, pp. 121-54. (Articles by Buena de Mesquita, Krasner and Jervis.)

[under ISQ in reserves].

Moon, Donald, "The Logic of Political Inquiry," in Greenstein and Polsby, Handbook

of Political Science, vol. 1, pp. 131-226.

Eckstein, Harry, "Case Study and Theory in Political Science," in Greenstein and

Polsby, Handbook of Political Science, vol. 7, pp. 79-137.

Lijphart, Arend, "Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method", American

Political Science Review, September 1971, vol. 65, pp. 682-93.

McClelland, P., Causal Explanation and Model-Building in History, Economics,

and the New Economic History, chs. 1, 2, 4.

Fearon, James D., "Counterfactuals and Hypothesis Testing in Political Science",

World Politics, 43, No 2, Jan 1991, pp. 169-95.

Jervis, Robert, "Models and Cases in the Study of International Conflict," Journal of

International Affairs vol. 44, Spring/Summer 1990, pp. 81-102.

Geddes, Barbara, "How the Cases You Choose Affect the Answers You Get," in J.

Stimson, ed., Political Analysis, v. 2, 1990, pp. 131-50.


Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery.

Nagel, The Structure of Science.

Goodman, Fact, Fiction, Forecast.

Suppes, ed., The Structure of Scientific Theories.

Toulmin, Foresight and Understanding.

Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

Lakatos and Musgrave, Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge.

Hempel, Aspects of Scientific Explanation.

Latsis, ed., Method and Appraisal in Economics, pp. 1-41.

Brecht, Political Theory, chs. 1-3 esp.

Kaplan, The Conduct of Inquiry.

Przeworski and Teune, The Logic of Comparative Social Inquiry.

Stinchcombe, Constructing Social Theories.

Mannheim, The End of Ideology.

Its Critics: (Sept. 26)

Ferguson, and Mansbach, "Between Celebration and Despair". International

Studies Quarterly. 35, Dec 1991, 363-86.

Rosenau, Pauline. Post-Modernism and the Social Sciences.chs. 1,2,5,7-9.

Kratochwil, Freidrich. Rules, Norms and Decisions. chs. 1-4, 7-8.

Lapid, Holsti, Bierstecher, George in "Exchange on the 3rd Debate," in

International Studies Quarterly vol. 33, Sept. 1989, pp. 235-80.

Cox, Robert. "Gramsci, Hegemony and IR." Millenium. 12, 1983, 162-75.

Kratochwil, Friedrich and Ruggie, John. "International Organization: The State of the

Art on the Art of the State." International Organization. 40, 1986, 753-76.

Rothschild, Emma. "What is Security?" Daedalus. v. 124, Summer 1995.

Digeser, Peter. "The Concept of Security." APSA paper Sept. 1994.

Campbell, David. Writing Security. intro, chs. 1, 9.

Hollis, Martin and Smith, Steve. Explaining and Understanding International

Relations. chs. 1-4. 9.

Wendt and Hollis and Smith articles, Review of International Studies. 17, Oct.

1991, 383-410.

Wendt and Hollis and Smith articles, Review of International Studies. 18, Apr

1992, 181-88.


Der Derian , James and Shapiro, M., eds., International/ Intertextual Relations.

Foucault, Michel.The Order of Things.

Foucault, Michel. The Birth of the Clinic.

Foucault, Michel.The History of Sexuality.

Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish.

Habermas, Jurgen. The Theory of Communicative Action. vols 1 and 2.

Giddens, Anthony. The Construction of Society.

Giddens, Anthony. Central Problems in Social Theory.

Bashkar, Roy. The Possibility of Naturalism.

Almond and Genco, "Clouds, Clocks and the Study of Politics", World Politics July


Geertz, Clifford. Interpretation of Cultures.

Geertz, C. Local Knowledge.

Caldwell, D. Beyond Positivism.

Fay, Critical Social Science.

Week 5: Classical Realism (Oct. 3)

Thucydides, The Peloponnesian Wars. (Modern Library College Edition) Bk I, all;

Book II, 1-65; Book III, 36-84; Book V, 84-115; Book VII, 42-87.

Morgenthau, Hans J., Politics Among Nations, 6th ed, ch. 1-3, 8-10, 11-14.

Carr, E.H., Twenty Years Crisis, chs. 1-9.

Herz, John H., International Politics in the Atomic Age, chs. 1-4, 10.

Wolfers, Arnold, Discord and Collaboration, chs. 4, 6, 7, 8, 10.

Waltz, Kenneth. Man, The State and War.

Garst, Daniel, "Thucydides and Neo-Realism," International Studies Quarterly vol.

33, March 1989, pp. 3-28.

Doyle, Michael. "Thucydidean Realism." Review of International Studies. 16, July

1990, 223-38.

Hoffmann, Stanley. "An American Social Science: International relations."

Daedalus. 106, 1977,

Week 6: Balance of Power (Oct. 10)

Waltz, Kenneth N., Theory of International Politics, all.

Organski, A.F.K., World Politics, ch. 12 "The Balance of Power".

Kaplan, Morton A., System and Process in International Politics, chs. 1-3.

Jervis, Robert, "Systems and Interaction Effects", in Richard Zeckhauser, ed.,

Strategy and Choice.

Schroeder, Paul W., "Nineteenth Century International System: Changes in

Structure", World Politics, vol. 39, Oct. 1986, pp. 1-26.

Claude, Inis, Power and International Relations, chs. 1-3.

Haas, Ernst B., "The Balance of Power: Prescription, Concept, or Propaganda",

World Politics, vol. 5, July 1953, pp. 442-77.

Kaplan, Morton A., Towards Professionalism in International Theory ch. 1.

Waltz, Kenneth N., "Realist Thought and Neorealist Theory," Journal of

International Affairs, v. 44, Spring 1990, 21-37.

Wagner, R. Harrison. "The Theory of Games and the Balance of Power." World

Politics. 38, July 1986, 546-76.

Walt, Stephen M., The Origin of Alliances, chs. 2, 8.

Posen, Barry R., The Sources of Military Doctrine, chs. 1, 2, 7.


Rosecrance, Action and Reaction in World Politics, chs.1, 11, 12.

Gulick, Europe's Classical Balance of Power.

Riker, William, Theory of Political Coalitions.

Week 7: Hegemony (Oct. 17)

Gilpin, Robert, War and Change in World Politics, chs. 2-5.

Organski, A.F.K., World Politics, ch. 14 "The Power Transition", or "Power

Transition" article in IESS.

Keohane, Robert and Nye, Power and Interdependence, 2nd ed., chs. 1-3, pt. V.

Krasner, Stephen D., "State Power and the Structure of International Trade," World

Politics, vol. 28, April 1976, pp.317-47.

Lake, David A., "Leadership, Hegemony, and the International Economy,"

International Studies Quarterly, v. 37, 1993, pp.459-89.

Gowa, Joanne, Allies, Adversaries and International Trade, chs. 1, 2, 7.

Mansfield, Edward. Power, Trade and War. chs. 1, 3, 4.

Jervis, Robert, "International Primacy," International Security, v.17, Spring 1993,


Huntington, Samuel P., "Why International Primacy Matters," International

Security, v. 17, Spring 1993, pp.68-83.

Week 8: Neorealism, Anarchy and Its Critics (Oct. 24)

Grieco, Joseph M., Cooperation Among Nations, chs. 1, 2, 7.

Keohane, Robert O., Neorealism and Its Critics, chs. 1, 6, 7, 9-11.

Baldwin, David A., ed., Neorealism and Neoliberalism, chs. 1, 3-5, 7, 8, 11-12.

Powell, Robert, "Anarchy in International Relations Theory: the

Neorealist-Neoliberal Debate", International Organization v48 no2, Spring 1994,

pp. 313-44.

Buzan, Barry, Jones, and Little, The Logic of Anarchy, pp. 66-80,119-54.

Shimko, Keith L., "Realism, Neorealism and American Liberalism," Review of

Politics, vol. 54, Spring 1992, pp. 281-301.

Mearsheimer, John. "Back to the Future." International Security. 15, Summer

1990, 5-56.

Walker, R.B.J. "Realism, Change and International Political Theory." International

Studies Quarterly. 31, Mar 1987, 65-86.

Kratochwil, Friedrich. "The Embarrassment of Changes." Review of International

Studies. 19, Jan 1993, 63-80.

Nye, Joseph. "Neorealism and Neoliberalism." World Politics. 40, Jan 1988, 235-51.

Rosenberg, Justin. "What's Wrong with Realism?" Review of International Studies.

16, Oct 1990, 285-305.3

Anarchy: (Oct. 24)

Masters, Roger D., "World Politics as a Primitive System", World Politics, 16, July

1964, pp. 595-619.

Bull, Hedley, The Anarchical Society, chs. 1-3, 5-9, 10, 14.

Milner, Helen, "The Assumption of Anarchy in International Relations Theory",

Review of International Studies, vol. 17, Jan. 1991, pp. 67-85.

Wendt, Alexander, "Anarchy is What States Make of It," International

Organization, vol. 46, Spring 1992, pp. 391-426.

Wendt, Alexander. "Collective Identity Formation and the International State."

APSR. 88, June 1994, 384-98.

Fischer, Marcus, "Feudal Europe, 800-1300: Communal Discourse and Conflictual

Practices" International Organization, 46, Spring 1992, pp. 426-66.

Hall, Rodney and Kratochwil, Friedrich "Medieval Tales: Neorealist 'Science' and

the Abuse of History", International Organization, v. 47, Summer 1993, 479-500.

(Response to Fischer, and his reply.)

Tickner, J. Ann, Gender in International Relations, 1-2, 5.

Nettl, J. P. "The State as a Conceptual Variable." World Politics. 20, July 1968,


Week 9: International Cooperation, Regimes, and Neoliberal

Instititutionalism (Oct. 31)

Axelrod, Robert, The Evolution of Cooperation, chs.1-4, 8-9.

Jervis, Robert, "Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma", World Politics, vol. 30,

Jan. 1978, pp. 167-214.

Oye, Kenneth A., Cooperation Under Anarchy, chs. 1, 2.

Krasner, Stephen D., International Regimes, chs. 1, 6, 11-12.

Keohane, Robert O., International Institutions and State Power, chs. 1, 5-7.

Haggard, Stephan and Beth Simmons, "Theories of International Regimes",

International Organization, 41, Summer 1987, pp.491-517.

Deutsch, Karl. Political Community and the North Atlantic Area. pp. 3-22;


Haas, Ernest. The Uniting of Europe.chs. 1-3, 8, 12-13.

Krasner, Stephen D., "Global Communications and National Power," in D. Baldwin,

Neorealism and Neoliberalism, pp. 234-49.

Milner, Helen, "International Theories of Cooperation Among Nations: Strengths and

Weaknesses," World Politics, vol. 44, April 1992, pp. 466-96.

Jervis, Robert, "Realism, Game Theory, and Cooperation," World Politics, vol. 40,

April 1988, pp. 317-49.

Keohane, Robert O., After Hegemony. chs. 1-7, 11.

Haas, Peter. Saving the Mediterranean.chs.1, 9.

Mearsheimer, John. "The False Promise of International Institutions." International

Security. 1995.


Nye, Peace in Parts.

Ruggie, "Collective Goods and Future Cooperation", APSR, Sept 1972, pp. 874-93.

Olson, The Logic of Collective Action.

Hardin, Collective Action.

Ostrom E., Governing the Commons.

Week 10: Domestic Politics I-The Democratic Peace (Nov. 7)

Kant, Immanuel. "Perpetual Peace." In Hans Reiss, ed., Kant's Political Writings.

pp. 93-130.

Russett, Bruce. Grasping the Democratic Peace. chs. 1, 2, 4, 6.

Doyle, Michael. "Kant, Liberal Legacies and Foreign Affairs." Philosophy and

Public Affairs. pt. I, v. 12, #3, 1983, 205-235; and pt. II, v. 12, #4, 1983, 323-53.

Doyle, Michael, "Liberalism and World Politics," APSR vol.80, Dec. 1986, pp.


Chan, Steve. "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...Are Freer Countries More Pacific?"

Journal of Conflict Resolution. v. 28, #4, 1984, 617-48.

Maoz, Zeev and Abdolali, Nasrin. "Regime Types and International Conflict."

Journal of Conflict Resolution. v. 33, #1, 1989, 3-35.

Ember, Carol, Ember, M., Russett, B. "Peace Between Participatory Polities."

World Politics. 44, July 1992, 573-99.

Dixon, William. "Democracy and the Management of Conflict." Journal of Conflict

Resolution. v. 37, #1, 1993, 42-68.

Dixon, William. "Democracy and the Peaceful Settlement of Conflict." American

Political Science Review. v. 88, #1, 14-32.

Layne, "Kant or Cant: The Myth of the Democratic Peace". International Security.

v. 19, 32, Fall 1994, 5-49.

Spiro, David. "The Insignificance of the Democratic Peace." International

Security. v. 19, #2, Fall 1994, 50-86.

Owen, John. "How Liberalism Produces the Democratic Peace." International

security. v. 19, #2, Fall 1994, 87-125.

Farber, Henry and Gowa, Joanne. "Common Interests or Common Polities."

International Security. 1995.

Fearon, James. "Domestic Audiences and the Escalation of International Disputes."

American Political Science Review. v. 88, #3, 199 , 577-92.

Mansfield, Edward and Snyder, Jack. "Democratization and the Danger of

War."International Security. v. 20, #1, Summer 1995, 5-38.

Snyder, Jack, Myths of Empire chs. 1-2,8.

Schweller, Randall L., "Domestic Structure and Preventive War," World Politics

vol. 44, Jan. 1992, pp. 235-69.

Lake, David A, "Powerful Pacifists," American Political Science Review, vol. 86,

March 1992, pp. 24-37.

Week 11: Domestic Politics II-Domestic Political Institutions and

Societal Groups (Nov.14)

Katzenstein, Peter J., Between Power and Plenty, chs. 1, 9.

Krasner, Stephen D., Defending the National Interest, chs. 1-3.

Allison, Graham, Essence of Decision, chs 1, 3, 5, 7 & afterword.

Ikenberry, John et al., The State and American Foreign Policy. spec. issue,

International Organization 42, winter 1988, intro., Ch. 3, 5, 8, 9.

Mastanduno, Michael, Lake, and Ikenberry, "Toward a Realist Theory of State

Action," International Studies Quarterly, vol. 33, Dec. 1989, pp. 457-74.

Risse-Kappen, Thomas. "Public Opinion, Domestic Structure and Foreign Policy in

Liberal Democracies." World Politics. 43, July 1991, 479-512.

Halperin, Morton H., "The Decision to Deploy the ABM," World Politics, vol. 25,

October 1972, pp. 62-95.

Lowi, Theodore J., The End of Liberalism, ch. 6 (also in Rosenau J., ed., Domestic

Sources of Foreign Policy, pp 295-332).

Pye, Lucian W., "Political Culture Revisited," Political Psychology, vol. 12,

September 1991, pp. 487-508.

Societal Actors: (Nov. 14)

Gourevitch, Peter, "The Second Image Reversed", International Organization, vol.

32, Aut. 1978, pp. 881-912.

Kurth, James, "The Political Consequences of the Product Cycle", International

Organization, vol. 33, Winter 1978, pp. 1-34.

Milner, Helen, Resisting Protectionism chs. 1,2,6,8.

Rogowski, Ronald, Commerce and Coalitions chs. 1,4,6.

Gourevitch, Peter. Politics in Hard Times. chs. 1, 2, 6.

Gordon, Michael R., "Domestic Conflict and the Origins of the First World War",

Journal of Modern History, vol. 46, June 1974, pp.191-226.

Putnam, Robert D., "Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: the Logic of Two-level

Games", IO, v. 42, 1988, pp. 427-61.

Moravcsik, Andrew, "Preferences and Power in the EC," Journal of Common

Market Studies, v. 31, 4, Dec. 1993, pp.473-524.

Rogowski, Ronald, "Trade and the Variety of Democratic Institutions,"

International Organization, Spring 1987.

Frieden, Jeffrey A., "Invested Interests," International Organization, v. 45, 1991,

pp. 425-52.


Rosenau, ed., Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy.

Waltz, Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics.

Gerschenkron, Bread and Democracy in Germany, pp. 3-88.

Rosenau, ed., Linkage Politics, esp. 199-236.

Kissinger, "Domestic Structure and Foreign Policy", in Kissinger, American Foreign


Puchala, "Domestic Politics and Regional Harmonization in the EC", World Politics,

vol. 27, July 1975, pp. 486-520.

Almond, Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy.

Kehr, Economic Interest, Militarism, and Foreign Policy.

Art, "Bureaucratic Politics and American Foreign Policy", Policy Sciences, vol. 4,

Dec. 1973.

Week 12: Decision-making. (Nov. 21)

Jervis, Robert, Perception and Misperception in International Politics, chs. 2-4, 6, 11,


Steinbruner, John D., The Cybernetic Theory of Decision, chs. 1-5.

Janis, Irving L., Victims of Groupthink, chs. 1, 8, 9.

George, Alexander, "The Operational Code," International Studies Quarterly, vol.

69, June 1969, pp. 190-222.

Tetlock, Philip and McGuire, "Cognitive Perspectives on Foreign Policy," Political

Behavior Annual, vol.1, pp. 147-79.

Farnham, Barbara, "Political Cognition and Decision-Making," Political Psychology,

vol. 11, March 1990, pp. 83-112.

Snyder, Glenn and Diesing, Conflict Among Nations, chs. 4-6.

Holsti, Ole, "Crisis Decision-Making." In Tetlock, et. al., Behavior, Society and

Nuclear War. 8- 84.

Levy, Jack. "Learning and Foreign Policy." International Organization. 48, Spring

1994, 279-312.

Levy, Jack. "An Introduction to Prospect Theory." and "Prospect Theory and

International Relations." Political Psychology. 13, June 1992, 171-186, 283-310.


Odell, John, U.S. International Monetary Policy, pp. 58-78.

Goldstein, Judith and Keohane, eds., Ideas and Foreign Policy, chs. 1-3, 6.

Tetlock, Philip E., Crosby Faye, & Crosby Travis L., "Political Psychobiography,"

Micropolitics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 191-213.

Friedlander, Saul and Cohen Raymond, "The Personality Correlates of Belligerence

in International Conflict," Comparative Politics, vol. 7, January 1975, pp. 155-86.

Gaenslen, Fritz. "Culture and Decision-Making in China, Japan, Russia and the US."

World Politics. Oct. 1986, 73-103.

Haas Peter M., ed., "Knowledge, Power, and International Policy Coordination",

International Organization Special Issue, Vol. 46, No. 1, Winter 1992

Larson, Origins of Containment.

May, Lessons of the Past.

George, Presidential Decision-making in Foreign Policy.

Kelman, "Social-Psychological Approaches to the Study of International Relations",

in Kelman, ed., International Behavior, pp. 565-607.

Jervis, "Political Decision-Making", Political Psychology, vol.2, Summer 1980, pp.


George and George, Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House.

Braybrook and Lindblom, A Strategy of Decision.

Simon, Administrative Behavior, 3rd ed., chs. 1, 4, 5.

Week 13: Rational Choice, Negotiation and Bargaining. (Nov. 28)

Simon, Herbert and Sen in Hahn and Hollis, eds., Philosophy and Economic

Theory, pp. 65-109.

Verba, Sidney, "Assumptions of Rationality and Nonrationality...", in Knorr and

Verba, eds., The International System, pp. 93-118.

Almond, Gabriel A., "Rational Choice Theory and the Social Sciences", in Monroe,

The Economic Approach to Politics, pp. 32-52.

Elster, Sen, Tversky and Kahneman, March in Elster, ed., Rational Choice, pp.

60-81, 123-70.

Hogarth and Reder, Simon, Tversky and Kahneman, in Hogarth and Reder, eds.,

Rational Choice, pp. 1-40, 67-94.

Rational Deterrence debate in World Politics, vol. 41, Jan 1989, articles by by

Achen and Snidal, Jervis, and Downs, pp. 143-69, 183-238.

Schelling, Thomas, "What is Game Theory?" in Schelling, Choice and

Consequence, pp. 213-42 Tsebelis, George, "The Abuse of Probability in Political

Analysis: The Robinson Crusoe Fallacy," American Political Science Review, vol.

83, March 1989, pp. 77-92.

Lalman, Oppenheimer and Swistak, "Formal Rational Choice Theory: A Cumulative

Science of Politics" in A. Finifter, ed., Political Science: The State of the

Discipline II, pp. 77-104.

Smelser Neil J., "The Rational Choice Perspective," Rationality and Society, v. 4,

n4, Oct. 1992, pp. 381-410.

Bargaining: (Nov. 28)

Schelling, Thomas C., Strategy of Conflict, chs. 1-3, 8.

Schelling, Thomas C., Arms and Influence, chs. 1-3.

Ikle, Fred C., How Nations Negotiate, chs. 1, 2, 5-9, 11.

Snyder, Glenn and Diesing, Conflict Among Nations, chs. 1-3, 7.

Jervis, Robert, "Bargaining and Bargaining Tactics," in J. Roland Pennock and John

Chapman, eds., NOMOS, vol. 14, Coercion, pp. 272-88.


Simon, Models of Man.

Nicholson, Formal Theories in International Relations.

Kreps, Games Theory and Economic Modeling.

Green, and Shapiro, Rational Choice.

Shepsle Kenneth A., "Studying Institutions: Some Lessons from the Rational Choice

Approach", Journal of Theoretical Politics, v. 1, Apr 1989, pp. 131-47.

Yarborough Beth and Robert, "The New Economics of Organization," International

Organization, v. 44, Spring 1990, pp. 235-59.

Zartman, The 50% Solution.

Lockhart, Bargaining in International Conflicts.

Luce and Raiffa, Games and Decisions.

Young, Bargaining.

Walton and McKersie, A Behavioral Theory of Labor Negotiations.

Baldwin, Economic Statecraft.

Jervis, The Logic of Images.

George, The Limits of Coercive Diplomacy, intro, chs. 1, 5.

George and Smoke, Deterrence in American Foreign Policy.

Lebow, Between Peace and War.

D. Lax and J. Sebenius, The Manager as Negotiator.

Week 14: War. (Dec. 5)

Blainey, Geoffrey. The Causes of War. 3rd ed., chs. 1-9, 17-18.

Levy, Jack S., "The Causes of War: A Review of Theories and Evidence," in Philip

Tetlock, et al., eds., Behavior, Society, and Nuclear War, vol. 1, pp. 209-333.

Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce and Lalman, War and Reason, chs. 1-3, 6.

Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, The War Trap, chs. 1-5.

Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, "War Trap Revisited", American Political Science

Review, vol. 79, March 1985, pp. 156-76.

Wagner, R. Harrison, "War and Expected Utility Theory", World Politics, vol.36,

April 1984, pp. 407-23.

Organski, Kenneth and Kugler, The War Ledger