Dan Lindley: Press and Media, March 26, 2003


"Pyrrhic Diplomacy," Op-Ed, South Bend Tribune, March 18, 2003.

"War Against Iraq: Too Many Ifs," Notre Dame Scholastic, "Final Word" Issue #10 (2002-2003)

"The Dark Side of Playing Out the War Scenario," Op-Ed, Chicago Tribune, October 27, 2002. Picked up by Canadian Forces College, Spotlight on Military News at <<http://www.cfc.dnd.ca/spotlight/2002/10/27/spotnews_e.html>>

"Terrorism is War, but Justice Isn't Arbitrary," Op-Ed, Indianapolis Star, December 9, 2001.

"Don't doubt America's will to win a war," Op-Ed, Chicago Sun Times, October 26, 2001.

"Changes Inevitable after Attack on U.S.," Op-Ed, South Bend Tribune, September 12, 2001.

"Terrorism is an Act of War," Op-Ed, Notre Dame Observer, September 12, 2001.


Interviewed live on Morning News, WNDU television, September 20, 2001 on the September 11 attacks and U.S. response.

Interviewed for evening news, WNDU television, September 24, 2001, on crop dusters as platforms for weapons of mass destruction terrorism.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, September 25, 2001, on local purchasing of gas masks in fear of weapons of mass destruction terrorism.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, September 26, 2001, on local and federal preparedness for weapons of mass destruction terrorism.

Interviewed live on morning Show, WSBT radio, September 28, 2001, on weapons of mass destruction terrorism.

Interviewed live on morning News, WNDU television, September 29, 2001 on U.S. foreign policy in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, October 2, 2001, on domestic politics and the prosecution of the war against terrorism.

Interviewed for morning News, WNDU television, October 3, 2001 on U.S. foreign policy, the September 11 attacks, and weapons of mass destruction terrorism.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, October 7, 2001, on attacks on Afghanistan.

Interviewed live on morning News, WNDU television, October 8, 2001 on attacks on Afghanistan.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, October 11, 2001, on bin Laden's video tapes.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, October 16, 2001, on anthrax.

Interviewed for evening News, WNDU television, October 23, 2001, on anthrax and possible links to Iraq.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, October 30, 2001, on terrorist threat advisories.

Panelist, Town Hall Meeting, city of South Bend, organized by WSBT and the South Bend Tribune, on emergency preparedness for WMD terrorism. October 30, 2001, Bendix Hall, Century Center.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, November 2, 2001, on smallpox.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, November 5, 2001, on local preparedness for weapons of mass destruction terrorism.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, November 7, 2001, on possibility of nuclear terrorism.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, December 4, 2001, on Israeli-Palestinian violence.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, January 23, 2002, on U.S. troops and terrorism in the Philippines.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, February 12, 2002, on 4th terrorism alert.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, February 15, 2002, on 4th terrorism alert.

Interviewed live on morning news, WSBT television, March 8, 2002, on six month anniversary of September 11 and threats of WMD terrorism.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, March 11, 2002, on six month anniversary of September 11 and threats of WMD terrorism.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, April 2, 2002, on Israeli-Palestinian violence.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, May 16, 2002 on warnings of hijackings priors to 9/11.

Interview, Voice of America, June 4, 2002, on President-elect Uribe's prospects in fighting Colombia's rebels.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, September 12, 2002 on President Bush's speech to U.N. about Iraq.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, October 2, 2002 on the prospect of war against Iraq.

Interviewed for evening news, WNDU television, October 7, 2002 on President Bush's upcoming speech from Cincinnati on Iraq.

Interviewed live on morning Show, WSBT radio, October 18, 2002, on revelations concerning North Korea's nuclear weapons development program.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, November 8, 2002, on UNSC Iraq Resolution 1441.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, January 3, 2003 on Iraq/Korea situation.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, January 13, 2003 on the prospect of military draft.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, January 15, 2003 on the prospect of urban combat in Iraq.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, January 27, 2003 on report from U.N. inspectors on Iraq.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, January 29, 2003 on the State of the Union address.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, February 5, 2003 on Powell's address before the U.N.

Interviewed for radio news, WSBT radio, February 5, 2003 on Powell's address before the U.N.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, February 19, 20033 on WMD terrorism preparedness, and on Iraq war diplomacy.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, March 3, 2003 on arrest of Al Qaeda terrorist.

Interviewed live on Mark Larson show, KRLA radio, Los Angeles, March 11, 2003 on prospects for Iraq war.

Interviewed for radio news, WSBT radio, March 17, 2003 on prospect of Iraq war.

Interviewed live on evening news, WSBT television, March 17, 2003 on prospect of Iraq war.

Taped piece (chromagreen with Iraq map) for evening news, WSBT television, March 20 2003 on Iraq War.

Taped piece (chromagreen with Iraq map) for evening news, WSBT television, March 21 2003 on Iraq War.

Panelist, Town Hall Meeting, city of South Bend, organized by WSBT and the South Bend Tribune, on Iraq War. March 24, 2003, Bendix Hall, Century Center.

Interviewed for evening news, WSBT television, March 26, 2003, on possible use of chemical weapons by Iraq.

Misc Cites

Cited in "NotreDameReSources,"July16, 2000 on Missile Defense; February 23, 2001 on Missile Defense; May10, 2001 on the Middle East peace process.

Cited in the Notre Dame Observer on May 19, 2000 on Kofi Annan; February 14, 2001 on Condoleeza Rice; September 14, 2001 on the September 11 terrorist attacks; October 17, 2001 on anthrax; October 31, 2001 on Town Hall panel on preparedness; November 12, 2001 on war on terrorism; October 16, 2002 on Iraq war plans.

Cited in the South Bend Tribune, September 15, 2001 for panel remarks on the September 11 terrorist attacks; October 31, 2001 on Town Hall panel on preparedness; November 1, 2001 in opinion column on preparedness; December 30, 2001 on year end review of September 11 impact; June 11, 2002 on "dirty bombs;" March 25, 2003 on Town Hall panel on Iraq war.