“Ten Images of Hell in the Twentieth Century”



I am not asking you to purchase an overwhelming number of readings for this course.  One reason is that I think books, articles, and other hard-copy media simply cost too much these days and thus represent an inordinate burden on students (and their parents).  The other reason is that I am persuaded that there are other, less expensive ways to communicate information in the 21st century.

However, I do expect you to treat those materials that you do purchase as objects of religious devotion.


Please read the links to find out about the biographies of each of the above authors.

Additional Readings

We will read excerpts from the works of other great writers, such as Dante Alighieri, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Hannah Arendt, Milovan Djilas, and Jean-Paul Sartre.

Other Media

We will watch some films by great directors, such as Luis Buñuel, Leni Riefenstahl, and Rsyzard Bugajski.

No Course Reader!

I have decided not to use a course reader in this course.  But there are a lot of readings.  I have put most of them on either Electronic Reserve in the Hesburgh Library or on this Web Site. Occasionally, I will provide you with hand-outs.  Class discussions only work well if you have the readings in front of you. Therefore, you are required to do two things: 1) copy and print all of the readings on this site (unless they are marked "skim," "background," or otherwise indicate that you only need read parts of them); and 2) bring each required reading to class on the day we are to discuss it. For these reasons, I strongly recommend that you print all of them immediately.


We will engage in many virtual discussions over the commmunications medium known as Concourse. I recommend that you begin learning about Concourse immediately. We will begin to use it during the first week of classes. To find out about how to use Concourse as well as to find the connection with our class site, go here:




It is a special privilege to take a seminar, and you should treat our seminar accordingly. Seminars are small and they allow for intimate and lively discussions. They also provide me with the pleasant opportunity to work closely with each of you as individuals. My aspirations are modest. I merely want to teach you to speak, read, write, and think critically.

These objectives are reflected in the breakdown of my grading standard:

    • Participation (30%)
    • Concourse Discussions and Short Assignments (10%)
    • Two Reflective Essays (15% each)
    • Semester Essay (30%)

Paper assignments will be docked 1/3 of a letter grade for each day they are late.

To receive a passing grade in this class, you must visit me during office hours at least one time this semester.


Class attendance is mandatory. You must consult with me beforehand if you know you will miss a class. If you are ill, please let me know as soon as you can.


I enjoy meeting with all of my students, and I hope to see you on a regular basis.  To visit me, you do not need to have specific questions about the class.  I view your education holistically, and I am interested in learning about you personally. Within certain limits of course . . .

I hold my office hours at the Nanovic Institute for European Studies, 211 Brownson Hall. This building is behind the Main Building. Go through the black, wrought iron gate and make an immediate right up the stairs.

My office hours are:

    • Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30
    • Wednesday 2:00 - 4:00


    My email address is: amcadams@nd.edu

    If you need to reach me by phone, my assistant Sharon Konopka, will usually know how to track me down: 631-5253

See you soon!