I regard myself as a geometer "at large". If you are interested in my mathematical activity (papers'n stuff),

click right here to have a look at what I have been doing.

For the curious, I have also included something about myself . To get in touch with me try

Office Phone: (574) 631-3370

E-mail: nicolaescu.1 at nd.edu

Felix Klein Seminar in Geometry


Journal of Gokova Geometry and Topology

Al. Myller” Seminar Centennial Conference

The Seventh Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, June 29 - July 5, 2011, Brasov, Romania

Great Lakes Geometry Conference – April 17-18, 2004

Ad Astra - Journal of Young Romanian Scientists

Gazeta Matematica

Seminarul Matematic “Al. Myller” Iasi (Opinia Studenteasca)

A fost restrans abuziv spatiul Seminarului Matematic (Prof. Andrei Patras, Bibliotecar Sef)

Scrisoare deschisa privind Seminarul Matematic “Al. Myller’’. (Ziarul de Iasi)

My math blog


Notre Dame Mathematics Department Homepage