Toward of Bibliography on "Honor and Shame"

Jan 8, 1997

Jerome H. Neyrey

University of Notre Dame

Abu-Hilal, Ahmad,

1982 "Arab and North-American Social Attitudes: Some Cross-Cultural Comparisons," Mankind 22: 193-207.

Abu-Lughod, Lila

1985 "Honor and the Sentiments of Loss in a Benouin Society (Awlad 'Ali, Egypt)," American Ethnologist 12: 245-61
1986 Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society. Berkeley: University of California Press

Adams, M. McCord

1992 "Symbolic Value and the Problem of Evil: Honor and Shame." Pp. 259-82 in S. Bierman and B. Scharfenstein, eds., Interpretation in Religion. Leiden: Brill (general model; esp. 13 rounds of challenge and riposte between God and Pharaoh in Exodus)

Adkins, A.W.H.

                    1960a "'Honour' and 'Punishment' in the Homeric Poems," Classical Studies 7:23-32
                    1960b Merit and Responsibility. A Study in Greek Values. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (Midway Reprint)
                    1963 "'Friendship' and 'Self-Sufficiency' in Homer and Aristotle," CQ 57: 30-45
                    1969a "Threatening, Abusing and Feeling Angry in the Homeric Poems," JHS 89: 7-21
                    1969b "Euchomai, eucole and euchos" in Homer." CQ 19: 20-33
                    1970 From the Many to the One. A Study of Personality and Views of Human Nature in the Context of Ancient Greek Society, Values                      and Beliefs. London and Ithaca
                    1971 "Homeric Values and Homeric Society," JHS 91: 1-14
                    1972a "Homeric gods and the Values of Homeric Society," JHS 92: 1-19
                    1972b Moral Values and Political Behaviour in Ancient Greece From Homer to the End of the Fifth Century. New York: Norton
                    1972c "Truth, Kosmos, and Arete in the Homeric Poems," CQ 22: 5-18
                    1975 "Art, Beliefs and Values in the Later Books of the Iliad," CP 70: 239-254
                    1976 "Polupragmosune and 'Minding One's Own Business': A Study in Greek Social and Political Values," CP 71: 301-327
                    1978 "Review Article: Problems in Greek Popular Morality," CP 73: 143-158
                    1982 "Values, Goals, and Emotions in the Iliad," CP 77: 292-326

Al-Khayyat, Sana.

1990 Honour and Shame: Women in Modern Iraq. London: Saqi Books, 1990. (Table of Contents: The Pressure to Conform; 'Choosing' a Partner; Worlds Apart: Sexual Life for Women and Men; Relationships; The Daily Grind: Housework; Independence: Is Divorce the Solution?)

Antoun, Richard T.

1968 "On the Modesty of Women in Arab Muslim Villages: A Study in the Accomodation of Traditions," American Anthropologist 70:671-97

Arensberg, Conrad

1959 The Irish Countryman An Anthropological Study. Gloucester, MA.: Peter Smith (Excellent on non-servile patron-client.

Bailey, F.G. (ed.)

1971 Gifts and Poison, the Politics of Reputation. Oxford: Basil Blackwell

Barton, Stephen

1986 "Paul's Sense of Place: An Anthropological Approach to Community Formation in Corinth," NTS 32: 225-46

Basilov, V.N.

1984 "Honour Groups in Traditional Turkmenian Society." Pp. 220-43 in A.S. Ahmed and D.M. Hart, eds. Islam in Tribal Societies: From the Atlas to the Indus. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul

Beard, M. and J. North

1990 Pagan Priests. Religion and Power in the Ancient World. London: Duckworth

Bechtel, Lyn M.

1991 "Shame as a Sanction of Social Control in Biblical Israel: Judicial, Political, and Social Shaming," JSOT 49: 47-76
1994 "The Perception of Shame within the Divine-Human Relationship in Biblical Israel." Pp. 79-92 in Lewis M. Hoppe, Uncovering Ancient Stones. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns

Becker, Ernest

1973 The Denial of Death. New York: The Free (The psychology of narcissism. The will-to-heroism)

Bendlin, A. et al.

1993 "Priesthoods in Mediterranean Religions," Numen 40: 82-94

Benveniste, Emile

1973 "Honour and Honours." Pp. 334-45 in his Indo-European Language and Society. Miami Linguistic Series N0. 12. Coral Gables, FL: University of Miami Press

Bergant, Diane

1996 "‘My Beloved Is Mine and I Am His’ (Song 2:6): The Song of Songs and Honor and Shame," Semeia 68: 2340

Berger, P.L.

1974 "On the Obsolescence of the Concept of Honour." Pp. 78-89 in P.L. Berger, B. Berger and H. Kellner (eds.), The Homeless Mind XXX: Harmondsworth

Billows, R.

1993 "The religious procession of the Ara Pacis Augustae: Augustus' supplicatio in 13 B.C.," JournRomArch 6: 80-92

Bintliff, J.

1982 "Settlement Patterns, Land Tenure, and Social Structure: A Diachronic Model." Pp. 106-111 in C. Renfrew and S. Shannon 1982: 106-111. See Donlan 1989. 19 n 45 and 28 n 59 on this one.

Bird, P.

1989 "'To Play the Harlot': An Inquiry into an Old Testament Metaphor." Pp. 75-94 in P. Day, ed., Gender and Difference in Ancient Israel Philadelphia: Fortress

Black, Matthew

1990 "The Doxology to the Pater Noster with a Note on Matthew 6:13b. Pp. 327-38 in Philip Davies and Richard White, A Tribute to Geza Vermes (Sheffield: JSOT Press)

Blok, Anton

1981 "Rams and Billy-Goats: A Key to the Mediterranean Code of Honor," Man 16: 427-440. Reprinted pp. 51-70 in Eric Wolf (ed.), Religion, Power and Protest in Local Communities. The Northern Shore of the Mediterranean. New York: Moulton Publishers, 1984

Bloomer, W. Martin

1992 Valerius Maximus and the Rhetoric of the New Nobility. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press

Blundell, Mary Whitlock

1989 Helping Friends and Harming Enemies. Cambridge: CUP

Boris, Harold N.

1994 Envy. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, Inc.

Bourdieu, Pierre

1966 "The Sentiment of Honour in Kabyle Society." Pp. 191-241 in J. G. Peristiany (ed.), Honour and Shame: The Values of Mediterranean Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
1977 "From the ‘rules’ of honour to the sense of honour." Pp. 10-15 in his Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
1979 Algeria 1960. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Bowen, N.R.

1991 "Damage and Healing -- Shame and Honor in the Old Testament." Koinonia 3: 29-36

Bowra, C. M.

1952 Heroic Poetry. London: Macmillan (esp chs 2, 3. Comparative literature; the poetry of heroism and honor)

Boyle, Timothy D.

1984 "Communicating the Gospel in Terms of Shame," JapChrQ 50:41-46

Braithwaite, J.

1989 Crime, Shame, and Reintegration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
1991 "Forward." Pp. ix-xv in T.J. Scheff and S.M. Retzinger, eds., Emotions and Violence: Shame and Rage in Destructive Conflicts. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath

Brandes, S.

1987 "Reflections on Honor and Shame in the Mediterranean." Pp. 121-34 in D. D. Gilmore, ed., Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean. Edited by D.D. Gilmore. Washington: AAA

Bronznick, Norman M.

1985 "An Unrecognized Denotation of the Verb HSR in Ben-Sira and Rabbinic Hebrew," Hebrew Annual Review 9: 91-105

Brown, J.P.

1993 "From Divine Kingship to Dispersal of Power in the Mediterranean City-State," ZAW 105: 62-86

Bruchac, Joseph

1984 "Stealing Horses," Parabola 9: 54-59

Burton, Laurel Arthur

1988 "Original Sin or Original Shame," QR 8:31-41

Cairns, Douglas L.

1993 Aidos. The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature. Oxford: Clarendon Press

Calhoun, George M.

1934 "Classes and Masses in Homer," CP 29: 192-208 and 301-316 (A seminal and still controversial study on aristocracy and proto-aristocracy)

Camp, Claudia

1990 "Understanding a Patriarchy: Women in Second Century Jerusalem Through the Eyes of Ben Sira." Pp. 1-39 in Amy-Jill Levine, ed., "Women Like This" New Perspectives on Jewish Women in the Greco-Roman World. Atlanta: Scholars Press

Campbell, John K.

1964 Honour, Family and Patronage: A Study of Institutions and Moral Values in a Greek Mountain Community. Oxford: Clarendon Press

Capps, Donald E.

1983 "Parabolic Events in Augustine's Autobiography," Theology Today 40: 260-72 (guilt vs shame)

Catchpole, David R.

1983 "Q and 'The Friend at Midnight' (Luke 11:5-8,9)," JTS 34: 407-24

Cohen, A.

1965 Arab Border-Villages in Israel: a Study of Continuity and Change in Social Organization. Manchester: Manchester University Press

Cohen, David

1991 Law, Sexuality, and Society. The Enforcement of Morals in Classical Athens. Cambridge: CUP (explicit application of honors/shame anthropology to issues of sexuality: zero-sum game/agonistic society; gender-divided world; "politics of reputation" -- in short, a gold mine for us)
1995 Law, Violence and Community in Classical Athens. Cambridge: CUP

Connor, W. R.

1987 "Tribes, Festivals, and Processions: Civic Ceremonial and Political Manipulation in Archaic Greece," JHS 107: 40-50 (Looking at ceremonial not as propaganda but as community solidarity, he looks especially at Pisistratus' return with Athena in the chariot as ceremony not ruse, and, 46-49, the articulation of the solonian classes: the idea is a prexisting first fruits processional, with pentekosiomedimnoi in chariots, hippeis riding, zeugitai marching. The discipline of religion establishes who is really in what class)

Corley, Kathleen E.

1989 "Were Women around Jesus Really Prostitutes? Women in the Context of Greco-Roman Meals." SBLASP 487-521

Corrigan, G.M.

1986 "Paul's Shame for the Gospel," BTB 16: 23-27.

Creighton, Millie R.

1990 "Revisiting Shame and Guilt Cultures: A Forty-Year Pilgrimage," Ethos 18: 279-307

Cuss, Dominique

1974 Imperial Cult and Honorary Terms in the New Testament. Fribourg: Fribourg University Press

Daley, Brian

1993 "Position and Patronage in the Early Church: The Original Meaning of 'Primacy of Honor,'" JTS 44: 529-53

Danker, Frederick W.

1982 "Response to Benefactors." Pp. 436-71 in his Benefactor. Epigraphic Study of a Graeco-Roman and New Testament Semantic Field. St. Louis: Clayton Publishing House

Daube, David

1947 Studies in Biblical Law. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press

1973 "Disgrace." Pp. 301-324 in his The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism. New York: Arno Press
1982 "Shame Culture in Luke." Pp. 355-72 in M. Hooker and S. Wilson (eds.) Paul and Paulinism XXX-YYY

Davis, John

1973 Land and Family in Pisticci. London: Athlone Press
1984 "The Sexual Division of Labour in the Mediterranean." Pp. 17-50 in Eric Wolf (ed.), Religion, Power and Protest in Local Communities. The Northern Shore of the Mediterranean. New York: Moulton Publishers, 1984

Deigh, John

1983 "Shame and Self-Esteem: A Critique," Ethics 93: 225-45

Delaney, Carol

1986 "The Meaning of Paternity and the Virgin Birth Debate," Man 21: 494-513.
1987 "Seeds of Honor, Fields of Shame." Pp. 35-48 in David D. Gilmore (ed.), Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean (American Anthropological Association special publication # 22). Washington: American Anthropological Association.
1991 The Seed and The Soil: Gender and Cosmology in Turkish Village Society. Berkeley: U. of Calif Press

Derrett, J. Duncan M.

1973 "Relationship and Prestige." Pp. 38-45 in his Jesus' Audience. The Social and Psychological Environment in which He Worked. New York: The Seabury Press

deSilva, David Arthur

1995 Despising Shame. Honor Discourse and Community Maintenance in the Epistle to the Hebrews. SBLDS 152. Atlanta: Scholars Press
1966a "Exchanging Favor for Wrath: Apostasy in Hebrews and Patron-Client Relationships," JBL 115: 91-116
1996b "The Wisdom of Ben Sira: Honor, Shame and the Maintenance of the Values of a Minority Culture," CBQ 58: 433-55

Dewey, Arthur J.

1985 "A Matter of Honor: a Socio-Historical Analysis of 2 Corinthians 10," HTR 78: 209-17

Dodds, E.R.

1951 "From Shame-Culture to Guilt-Culture." Pp. 28-63 in his The Greeks and the Irrational. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press

Donlan, Walter

1969 "A Note on Aristos as a Class Term," Philologus 113: 268-70. (in the whole of archaic literature aristoi never designates the aristocracy. Even later this word does not have a technical status although it is used in a social context)
1970 "Changes and Shifts of Meaning of Demos in the Literature of the Archaic Period," PP 135: 381-95
1973a "The Origin of Kalos kagathos," AJP 94: 365-374
1973b "The Tradition of Anti-Aristocratic Thought in Early GreekPoetry," Historia 22: 145-154 (Protests against excessive emphasis on class conflict and protest in archaic Greek literature)
1979 "The Structure of Authority in the Iliad," Arethusa 12: 51-70
1980 The Aristocratic Ideal in Ancient Greece. Lawrence, KS: Coronado Press
1982 "Reciprocities in Homer," CW 75: 137-175 (Indispensable:comprehensive model of Homeric society)
1985 "The Social Groups of Dark Age Greece," CP 90: 293-308
1989 "The Pre-State Community in Greece," Symbolae Osloenses 64: 5-29

Douglas, Mary.

1966 Purity and Danger. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul

Dover, K. J.

1975 "Honor and Shame." Pp. 226-42 in his Greek Popular Morality in the Time of Plato and Aristotle. Berkeley: University of California Press
1978 Greek Homosexuality. London: Duckworth
1983 "The Portrayal of Moral Evaluation in Greek Poetry," JHS 103: 35-48 (Methodological disputes with Adkins)

Du Boulay, Juliet.

1974 Portrait of a Greek Mountain Village. Oxford: Clarendon Press

Duff, Paul Brooks

1988 Honor or Shame: The Language of Processions and Perception in 2 Cor. 2:14-6:13; 7:2-4. (unpublished dissertation, University of Chicago)

Dumézil, Georges

1943 Servius et la Fortune: Essai sur la fonction sociale de louange et de blâme sur les éléments indoeuropéens du cens romain. Paris: Gallimard

Eddy, G.E. G.

1992 "Transformed Values of Honor and Shame in Luke 18:1-14." Proceedings of the Eastern Great Lakes and Midwest Biblical Society. 12: 117-29

Edelman, R.

1987 The Psychology of Embarrassment. New York: Wiley

Eisner, Robert

1987 The Road to Daulis: Psychoanalysis, Psychology, and Classical Mythology. Syracuse U P (narcissism and Greek religion)

Elhstain, Jean Bethke

1981 Public Man, Private Woman. Women in Social and Political Thought. Princeton: Princeton University Press

Elliott, John H.

1995 "Disgraced Yet Graced: The Gospel According to 1 Peter in the Key of Honor and Shame," BTB 25: 166-78

Elster, Jon

1990 "Norms of Revenge," Ethics 100:862-85

Finley, M.I.

1977 The World of Odysseus. second edition. London: Chatto & Windus

Fisher, N. R. E.

1976 "Hybris and Dishonour," G&R 23: 60-73
1979 Hybris. A Study in the Values of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greece. London: Aris & Phillips

Fontenrose, Joseph

1968 "The Hero as Athlete," California Studies in Classical Antiquity 1: 73-104

Forbes, Christopher

1986 "Comparison, Self-Praise, and Irony: Paul's Boasting and the Conventions of Hellenistic Rhetoric," NTS 32: 1-30.

Forbis, E.P.

1990 "Women's Public Image in Italian Honorary Inscriptions," AJPh 111: 493-512

Foster, George M.

1972 "The Anatomy of Envy, a Study in Symbolic Behavior," Current Anthropology 13: 165-202

Frick, F.S.

1985 The Formation of the State in Ancient Israel. Sheffield: JSOT Press

Friedl, E.

1962 Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece. New York

Friedrich, Paul

1973 "Defilement and Honor in the Iliad," JIES 1: 119-126
1977 "Sanity and the Myth of Honor: The Problem of Achilles," Ethos: The Journal of Psychological Anthropology 5: 281-305

Frymer-Kensky, T.

1989 "Law and Philosophy: The Case of Sex in the Bible," Semeia 45: 89-102

Gamble, Clive

1982 "Leadership and 'Surplus' Production." in Renfrew 1982: 100-105.

Geddes, A. G.

1984 "Who's Who in 'Homeric' Society?" Classical Quarterly 34: 17-36 (Geddes shows that despite the impression of a powerful aristocracy in the narrative of the homeric poems, the text at the level of cumulative detail shows a world of small oikoi not dominated by the wealthy and shows the "kings" to be an illusion--a title without a function, a concept whose real nature Homer does not understand.)

Gelzer, M.

1969 The Roman Nobility. Oxford: OUP

Gernet, Louis.

1981 The Anthropology of Ancient Greece. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins U P

Gilmore, David D.

1982 "Anthropology of the Mediterranean Area," Annual Review of Anthropology 11: 175-205
1987a Aggression and Community. Paradoxes of Andalusian Culture. ew Haven, CT: Yale University Press
1987b Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean(American Anthropological Association special publication 22). Washington: American Anthropological Association.
1990 Manhood in the Making. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press

Gilmore, Margaret and David D.

1979 "'Machismo': A Psychodynamic Approach (Spain)," Journal of Psychological Anthropology 2:281-300

Ginat, J.

1987 Blood Disputes among Bedouin and Rural Arabs in Israel. Revenge, Mediation, Outcasting and Family Honor Pittsburg

Giovannini, Maureen J.

1987 "Female Chastity Codes in the Circum-Mediterranean: Comparative Perspectives." Pp. 61-74 in David D. Gilmore (ed.), Honor and Shame and the Unity of the Mediterranean (American Anthropological Association special publication # 22). Washington: American Anthropological Association.

Glassner, J.J.

1988 "Women, Hospitality and the Honor of the Family." Pp. 71-90 in B.S. Lesko, ed. Women's Earliest Records. Atlanta: Scholars Press

Goddwin, Jan

199? "Price of Honor": Muslim Women Lift the Veil of Silence on the Islamic World. Plume

Goffman, E.

1963 Stigma. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall

Goodhue, Tom

1984 "Shame," QR 4:57-65 (guilt vs shame)

Gottlieb, C.

1989 Varieties of Marriage in the Bible and Their Analogues in the Ancient World. New York University Ph.D. dissertation

Gouldner, Alvin W.

1965 "The Greek Contest System: Patterns of Culture." Pp. 41-79 in his Enter Plato. Classical Greece and the Origins of Social Theory. New York: Basic Books

Gowler, David B.

1991 Host, Guest, Enemy and Friend. Portraits of the Pharisees in Luke and Acts. New York: Peter Lang (character portraits in terms of honor and shame, pp 359-76)

Greenhalgh, P. A. L.

1972 "Aristocracy and Its Advocates in Ancient Greece," G&R 9: 190-207

Gruber, J.

1963 Über einige abstrakte Begriffe des frühen Griechischen. Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie 9. Meisenheim (on kudos)

Hagan, H.

1979 "Deception as Motif and Theme in 2 Sm 9-20; 1 Kgs 12," Bib 60: 301-326

Halstead, Paul and John O'Shea

1982 "A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed: Social Storage and the Origins of Social Ranking." in Renfrew 1982: 92-99.
1987 "Traditional and Ancient Rural Economy in Mediterranean Europe: Plus Ça Change?" JHS 107: 77-87

Halstead, Paul and G. Jones

1989 "Agrarian Ecology in the Greek Islands: Time Stress, Scale and Risk," JHS 109: 41-55 (54-55 develop a model of how labor dependency and inequality of wealth can develop in a world of small farms)

Halverson, John

1985 "Social Order in the Odyssey," Hermes 113: 129-144

Hanson, K.C.

1996 "How Honorable! How Shameful! A Cultural Analysis of Matthew’s Makarisms and Reproaches," Semeia 67: 81-111

Heller, E.

1984 "Man Ashamed." Pp. ?? in his In The Age of Prose. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press

Helsa, David H.

1983 "Greek and Christian Tragedy: Notes Toward a Theology of Literary History," JAAR 49: 71-87

Herr, Larry G.

1981 "Retribution and Personal Honor (Reply to T. Frymer-Kensly, 43, 230-234 1980; Rejoinder)," Biblical Archeologist 44: 135

Herzfeld, Michael

1965 "'As in your own house': Hospitality, Ethnography, and the Stereotype of Mediterranean Society." Pp. 9-18 in J. G. Peristiany, ed., Honour and Shame: The Values of Mediterranean Society. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson
1980 "Honour and Shame: Problems in the Comparative

Analysis of Moral Systems," Man 15: 339-51

1982 Ours Once More: Folklore, Ideology, and the Making of Modern Greece. Austin: U Texas Press
1985 The Poetics of Manhood: Contest and Identity in a Cretan Mountain Village. Princeton U Press
1986 "Within and Without: The Category of 'Female' in the Ethnography of Modern Greece." Pp. 215-33 in Jill Dubisch, ed., Gender and Power in Rural Greece. Princeton: Princeton University Press
1987 Anthropology Through the Looking-Glass: Critical Ethnography in the Margins of Europe. Cambridge U Press
1991 A Place in History: Social and Monumental Time in a Cretan Town. Princeton U Press

Hesselgrave, David J.

1983 "Missionary Elenctics and Guilt and Shame," Missiology 11: 461-83

Hester, D.A.

1977 "To Help one's Friends and Harm one's Enemies. A Study in the Oedipus at Colonus," Antichthon 11: 22-33

Hickson, F.V.

1991 "Augustus Triumphator: Manipulations of the Triumphal Theme in the Political Program of Augustus," Latomus 50: 124-38

Hoffner, H. A.

1966 "Symbols for Masculinity and Femininity: Their Use in Ancient Near Eastern Sympathetic Magic Rituals," JBL 85: 326-34

Hoftijzer, J.

1970 "Absalom and Tamar: A Case of Fratriarchy?" Pp. 54-61 in Schrift en Uitleg. Kampen: J.H. Kok

Holy, L.

1989 Kinship, Honour and Solidarity: Cousin Marriage in the Middle East. Manchester: Manchester University Press

Hufford, E.W.

1978 "The Parable of the Friend at Midnight: God's Honor or Man's Persistence," ResQ 21: 154-60

Humphreys, S. C.

1969 "History, Economics, and Anthropology: The Work of Karl Polanyi," History and Theory 8: 165-212 (Donlan 1982 says "gives an excellent summary and analysis, with extensive bibl, of the proposition that the economy is 'embedded' in the social system.")
1978 Anthropology and the Greeks. London

Ibrahim, Abdullahi Ali

1992 Assaulting With Words: The Sociopoetics of the Rubatab Evil Eye Metaphors. Chicago: Northwestern University Press.

Jeanmaire, H.

1975 Couroi et Couretes. Essai sur l'éducation spartiate et sur les rites d'adolescence dans l'antiquité hellénique. Lille, 1939. Reprint, NY: Arno (Qviller 1981. 146 = "A most useful survey of Homeric kingship, keeping a 'midway' position b the oikos theory and the 'genos' (clan) orthodoxy, is the exposition of homeric 'chivalry' herein." 150 = "Jeanmaire p. 51 maintained that the homeric poems show an aristocracy coming into being and a society in which the idea of a nobiity is more attached to the military profession than to the high age of the aristocratic order.")

Kaufman, Gershen and Raphael Kaufman

1987 "Shame: A Perspective on Jewish Identity," JPsychJud 11:30-40

Kayama, H.

1990 "The Doxa of Moses and Jesus (2 Cor. 3:7-18 and Luke 9:28-32," Bulletin of the Christian Research Institute Meiji Gakuin University 23: 23-48

Kekes, John

1988 "Shame and Moral Progress." Pp. 282-96 in Peter French, T. Uehling and H. Wettstein, eds. Midwest Studies in Philosophy. Volume XIII Ethical Theory: Character and Virtue. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press

Kelly, J. M.

1976 "'Loss of Face' as a Factor Inhibiting Legislation." Pp. 93-111 in his Studies in the Civil Judicature of the Roman Republic. Oxford: Clarendon Press

Kitto, H.D.F.

1951 "The Greek Mind." Pp. 169-76 in his The Greeks. Penguin Books

Klopfenstein, M.

1972 Scham und Schande nach dem Alten Testament. AThANT 62. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag

Kloppenborg, John S.

1990 "Alms, Debt and Divorce: Jesus' Ethics in their Mediterranean Context," Toronto Journal of Theology 6: 182-200

Klose, F.

1938 "Altrömische Wertbegriffe (honos und dignitas)," Neue Jahrbücher für Antike und deutsche Bildung 1: 268-78

Knoppers, Gary N.

1992 "'There Was None Like Him': Incomparablility in the Book of Kings," CBQ 54: 411-31 (think of Quintilian's encomium advice about being the first or only person to do X)

Kraemer, R. S.

1979 "Ecstasy and Possession: the Attraction of Women to the Cult of Dionysius," HTR 71: 55-80
1983 "Women in the Religions of the Graeco-Roman World," RelSR 9:127-39

Kraus, C. Norman

1987 "The Cross of Christ -- Dealing with Shame and Guilt," JapChrQ 53: 221-27

Krentz, Edgar

1990 "The Name of God in Disrepute: Romans 2:17-27 [22-23]," CurrTM 17: 429-39

Kurke, Leslie

1991 The Traffic in Praise: Pindar and the Poetics of Social Enconomy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press

Lansky, M.

1984 "Violence, Shame, and the Family," International Journal of Family Psychiatry 5: 21-40
1987 "Shame and Domestic Violence." Pp. ?? in D. Nathanson, ed., The Many Faces of Shame. New York: Guilford

Lewis, H.

1971 Shame and Guilt in Neurosis. New York: InternationalU iversity Press
1979 "Using Content Analysis to Explore Shame and Guilt in Neurosis." Pp. ?? in L.C. Gottschalk, ed., The Content Analysis of Verbal Behavior. New York: Halstead Press

Lewis, Michael

1992 Shame. The Exposed Self. NY: The Free Press ( A study by a psychologist)

Lind, R.L.

1979 "The Tradition of Roman Moral Conservatism," Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. I: 7-57 (Bruxelles: Latomus). (although it is basically investigating the content of mos maiorum, it has excellent vignettes on gloria, magnitudo animi, dignitas, auctoritas, gravitas, and honos: here is an excellent native Roman specification of the abstract and general "honor," pace Herzfeld!)

Long, A. A.

1970 "Morals and Values in Homer." JHS 90: 121-139 (Began his debate with Adkins)

Love, Stuart

1987 "Women's Roles in Certain Second Testament Passages; A Macrosociological View," BTB 17: 50-59

Lynd, H.

1958 On Shame and the Search for Identity. New York: Harcourt

Macdowell, D.

1976 "Hybris in Athens." G&R 23: 14-30

MacLachlan, Bonnie

1993 The Age of Grace: "Charis" in Early Greek Poetry. Princeton: Princeton University Press

Mac Mullen, Ramsay

1980 "Women in Public in the Roman Empire," Historia 29: 208-18

Malina, Bruce J.

1981 The New Testament World: Insights from Cultural Anthropology. Atlanta: John Knox Press.
1990 "Mother and Son," BTB 20: 54-64

Malina, Bruce and Jerome Neyrey

1991 "Honor and Shame in Luke-Acts: Pivotal Values of the Mediterranean World." Pp. 25-65 in Jerome H. Neyrey (ed.), The Social World of Luke-Acts. Models for Interpretation. Peabody, MA: Stephen Hendrickson, Inc.

Marshall, Peter

1983 "A Metaphor of Social Shame: thriambeuein in 2 Cor. 2:14," NovT 25: 303-17.
1987 "The Relationship of Friendship." Pp. 1-34, 130-64, 165-258 in his Enmity at Corinth: Social Conventions in Paul's Relations with the Corinthians. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr

Matthews, V.H.

1987 "Entrance Ways and Threshing Floors: Legally Significant Sites in the Ancient Near East." FEH 19: 25-40

Matthews, Victor H. and Don C. Benjamin

1991 "The Stubborn and the Fool," BT 29: 222-26
1992 "The Virgin and the Prince," BT 30: 42-46
1994 "Female Voices Upholding the Honor of the Household," BTB 24:8-15

Mauss, Marcel

1954 "Essai sur le don, forme primitive de l'échange." Année sociologique 1923-4: 30-186. = The Gift. transl. I. Cunnison, Free Press, 1954.

May, David M.

1987 "Mark 3:20-35 from the Perspective of Shame/Honor," BTB 17: 83-87

McDermott, John Scott

1991 The Quest for Community Stabilization: A Social ScienceInterpretation of the Pastor Epistles (unpublished dissertation: Drew University) ch 4 = "honor and shame in the Pastorals"

Meeks, Wayne A.

1974 "The Image of the Androgyne: Some Uses of a Symbol in Earliest Christianity," HR 13: 165-208

Michalson, Jon D.

1991 Honor Thy Gods. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press

Millett, Paul

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N.B. supplemented through the kindness of Robert Vacca (Classics, ND) and Victor Matthews (SW Missouri State U)