Philosophy 43151
Third Paper -- Due April 30

Papers will be 6-7 pages in length, double spaced and in an 11-point or 12-point proportional font.  

Your third writing assignment is a fairly straightforward expository essay on St. Thomas's account of what it is for a human being to be an image of God. However, this does not mean that it will be easy.

The relevant reading is Summa Theologiae 1, q. 93.  You should also read my short guide to the Trinity and Summa Theologiae 1, q. 35, "The Person of the Son: The Name 'Image'."

What I want you to do is to lay out (a) St. Thomas's articulation of the distinction between an image and a likeness (arts. 1, 2, and 9), (b) the senses in which human beings are images of God to a lesser degree and to a greater degree than the angels (art. 3), (c) the different possible degrees of the image of God in human beings (art. 4), and (d) St. Thomas's answer to the question of whether the image of God is found in human beings only in relation to the nature or essence of God or also in relation to the persons of the Holy Trinity (arts. 5-8).  Within these constraints, it will be up to you to decide which themes to emphasize and which objections to elaborate on.